Hip pain is typically associated with older adults, but everyone from young athletes to “weekend warriors” and even non-athletes can be at risk for developing this hip problem. Femoral-Acetabular Impingement (FAI) is caused when the hip bones do not form normally during the growing years. Abnormal rubbing at the hip joint causes damage to the cartilage and hip pain.
The hip is a ball and socket joint. The socket is formed by part of the pelvic bone (acetabulum), and the ball is formed by the femoral head at the top of the thighbone (femur). The surfaces of the ball and socket are covered by a slippery tissue called articular cartilage, which allows the joint to move without friction. The socket is lined with a strong fibrocartilage ring called the labrum that forms a gasket to create a tight seal and help provide stability to the joint.
Three types of FAI:
Examination of the hip by an orthopedic hip specialist, x-rays, and sometimes an MRI are used to look for FAI deformity and labral tears. Treatment options can include changes in lifestyle that place less stress on the hip, physical therapy, or arthroscopic surgery. During this surgery, a small camera (called an arthroscope) is inserted into the joint and allows for a clear view of the hip ball and socket joint. This allows your orthopedics surgeon to look for the causes of your hip pain. The camera displays pictures onto a screen, and surgical instruments are guided into your hip to repair the joint.