The Center recently purchased new digital x-ray equipment that allows lower radiation and simplified image acquisition. They are the first organization in the Pacific Northwest to install Fujifilm’s FDR D-EVO GL for long length imaging. At 49” tall, this equipment captures an entire long length image in a single exposure instead of multiple images and exposures that would be stitched together with software. When an entire leg or spine needs imaging, the long-length detector allows for a faster exam, lower radiation, and improved clarity. Since it’s a single exposure, it also reduces the time for patients to remain still, which can reduce discomfort and helps prevent retakes.
“This technology permits us to do the right imaging studies in order to enhance accuracy,” stated Michael Caravelli, MD, at The Center Orthopedic & Neurosurgical Care & Research. “When performing a total hip replacement, a long-view image demonstrates the functional anatomy while standing, which allows us to make better decisions for the implant position.”
In addition, The Center Orthopedic & Neurosurgical Care & Research purchased two flat panel digital detectors that improve image quality and reduce radiation as much as 30-50% compared to conventional x-ray. This technology has shorter image acquisition and processing time, allowing faster exams and more comfort for our patients.
“As an institution committed to excellence in musculoskeletal care, we are grateful that The Center Orthopedic & Neurosurgical Care & Research has selected our DR systems including Fujifilm’s FDR D-EVO GL for long-length imaging,” said Rob Fabrizio, director of strategic marketing, Digital X-ray, and Women’s Health at FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. “We trust FDR D-EVO GL’s 17 x 49” field of view; its wider format will help improve patient safety and lower dose with fewer repeats from anatomy cutoff for better patient care.”