The Center on Brain Injury Research and Training (CBIRT) has been awarded a 4-year, $2.2 million cooperative agreement in which a study will be conducted to compare health, academic and social outcomes of children and youth with traumatic brain injuries in Central Oregon.
Dr. Viviane Ugalde, physiatrist for The Center, will be a consultant on the grant. Her responsibilities will include educating local health care providers about the research grant, and recruiting people to participate.
“It’s exciting to have the ability to measure the work that we are doing and learn what kind of a scientific impact we are having with concussion recovery – returning kids to normal life, school, and playing sports,” says Dr. Ugalde. “I look forward to continuing the body of work that the state of Oregon has done with return to learn and getting kids back in the classroom after a serious concussion. The team of people we are working with will continue to develop our cutting edge concussion management program in Central Oregon.”
For the complete press release, click here.
To learn more about Dr. Ugalde and her expertise in concussion management and care, click here.
Visit our brain injuries and conditions page for more information on common conditions and treatments.